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SOC 201 - Social Problems: The Pursuit towards Social Justice (Ludwig): Search Multiple EBSCO Databases

Library information and resources for Donald Ludwig's SOC 201 class

How to search more than one database at the same time

Step-by-step directions:

  1. Start on the library homepage,
  2. Under the RESEARCH menu, choose articles & databases
  3. Click on the Academic Search Complete (EBSCOhost) database (video shows Academic Search Premier) 
  4. Select the Choose Databases link at the top of the page, right above the search boxes
  5. Check the Select / deselect all box to search in all EBSCOhost databases OR check the boxes of the specific databases you would like to search
  6. Click the OK button
  7. You’re ready to search!

How to come up with good search terms/keywords

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