Keywords (or search terms) are the words you use to search. They're what you enter into the search box of a search tool, such as Google or a Library database like ProQuest.
Databases such as the ones you will be using for your classes provide better results if you use three strategies for entering your keywords.
Separate words and phrases with the word AND, like this:
international AND business AND sustainability
The AND is called a Boolean operator.
Another Boolean operator is OR, which you can use to link synonyms:
(international OR global) AND business AND sustainability
Notice that when you use OR, you also use parenthesis around the words your connecting (that's important!)
Use quotation marks around common phrases. Quotation marks will keep your words "stuck" together.
"young adult"
"climate change"
"renewable energy"
"socioeconomic status"
You can search the open web more efficiently using the following strategies.
Limit your search to a specific domain type or website using site:
Find websites that have your search terms in the title using intitle:
intitle:"food desert"
Use the asterisk to truncate words. Truncating means that you put an * at the end of the root word.
sustainability -- looks only for the word sustainability
sustainab* -- looks for sustainable, sustainability, sustainably
More examples:
environment* = environment, environmentally
employ* = employ, employee, employed, employing
cultur* = culture, cultural, culturally
international AND business AND sustainability
(international OR global) AND business AND sustainability
(international OR global) AND business AND sustainab*
(international OR global) AND business AND sustainab* AND "renewable energy"