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CMST 220 - Public Speaking (Martin): Home

Library information and resources for Susan Martin's CMST 220 class


Welcome! This class guide exists to support you in your research for your CMST 220 assignments.

8/1/23: History of cosmetics

Evaluate ASAP

Is a source worth your time and energy? Is it appropriate for your needs? Here is a way to evaluate all types of sources.

  • Author: Look for the author’s name(s), credentials, expertise, and reputation. How many other works have they authored on this subject?
  • Sources: Look for a bibliography, works cited, or other list of sources the author used
  • Age: Look for the publication or copyright date. Is it current enough for your topic? When researching subjects related to science, (like Biology) and Medicine, (such as Dental Hygiene or Nursing), it is often more appropriate if the information is from the last five years.
  • Publisher: Look for the name of the publisher (or parent website). What other kinds of sources does this publisher provide? What does a Google or Wikipedia search for this publisher say?

SIFT Through Information

  • Stop and ask yourself:
    • Do I know this website?
    • Do I know this information source?
    • Do I know it's reputation?
    • Am I having a positive or negative emotional response to this information?
  • Investigate the source
    • Use Google or Wikipedia to investigate a news organization or other resource.
    • Hovering is another technique to learn more about who is sharing information, especially on social media platforms such as Twitter.
  • Find better coverage
  • Trace claims, quotes, and media back to the original context
    • Click through to follow links to claims
    • Open up the original reporting sources listed in a bibliography if present
    • Look at the original context. Was the claim, quote, or media fairly represented?

Reference & Instruction Librarian

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Laura Nagel
Office: LIB 106

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