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Database Search Tips: Advanced Search Tips

A guide to database search tips designed and created by Clark Librarians

Basic and Advanced Search Features Printable "Quick Guide"

The EBSCOhost and ProQuest databases have many advanced search features that are easy to use once you know them, can help you refine your results, and can save you time by helping you search more efficiently

Basic and Advanced Search Features

Comparison of basic and advanced search features in EBSCOhost and ProQuest databases
Operator/Feature What it does EBSCOhost Databases
(Academic Search Complete)
phrase parsing Keeps words together in the order specified. “South America” "South America"
truncation Used to replace any single character, either inside or at the end of a word. Use multiple wildcards to replace a specific # of letters.

*= any number of characters
America* = america, American;
butterfl* = butterfly, butterflies


* = up to five characters
wildcard Looks for documents that contain all of your words or phrases. Use AND to narrow your search and get fewer results. Word order does not matter. ? = replaces one character
wom?n = women, woman
? = one for each character:
amazon?? = amazon, amazons, but NOT amazonian
Boolean operator: and

Looks for documents that contain all of your words or phrases. Use AND to narrow your search and get fewer results. Word order does not matter.

rainforest* and ecosystem*


rainforest* and ecosystem*


Boolean operator: or Looks for documents that contain any of your words or phrases. Use OR to broaden your search and get more results. Always use parenthesis around “or” phrases. rainforest* and (South America* or Amazon* or Brazil*) rainforest* and (South America* or Amazon* or Brazil*)
proximity indicator: Near Look for documents that contain search terms in any order, within a specified number of words apart.  Replace the second ‘n’ with any number. Nn -  example: N3
rainforest* N5 ecosystem*
rainforest* N10 ecosystem*
N/n = NEAR/5
rainforest* N/5 ecosystem*
proximity indicator: Pre Look for documents that contain search terms within a specified number of words in the same order. Replace ‘n’ with a number. In the example, 5 means within 5 words. Wn example: W5
rainforest* W5 ecosystem*
pre/n   example: PRE/5
P/n   example: P/5
Rainforest* P/5 ecosystem*
field searching Use the drop-down option by the search boxes to limit searching to a specific field. Title is the most useful field for focusing a search. Example search with Title - TI selected in drop-down Example search with Document title - TITLE* selected in drop-down
noteworthy features   On the initial search screen, explore the “Search Options” section below the search boxes. “Apply equivalent subjects” and “Apply related words” are good for broadening a search. On the advanced search screen, click thesaurus and follow the instructions.  
essential filters Limit by date, source type, peer-reviewed, full text, document type, language and more. Explore the filters on the left side bar of the search results page Explore the filters on the left side bar of the search results page


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