Your Research Team
Following are some Clark College resources that are available to assist with your research.
Your Instructor knows all about:
- what tools you will need to be successful;
- how much time you need;
- how the assignment will be graded;
- campus resources to assist your learning.
Librarians are available to help you:
- choose the best search tools;
- learn how to search databases;
- brainstorm topics and keywords;
- evaluate information;
- learn how to use information.
Library Check Out Desk is the place to go when you want to:
- get a library card;
- check out books and videos;
- check out items reserved for classes;
- pick up interlibrary loans;
- reserve a study room;
- borrow headphones, calculators, laptops and other equipment;
- ask about lost items, and much more!
TechHub, located in Cannell Library, will help you:
- log in to labs, wireless, Canvas, eTutoring;
- set up student Gmail;
- connect to course-specific software;
- save and back up files, and more!
Tutoring Services are:
- free to students;
- available at various campus locations;
- include English, math, science, general education, and others;
- staffed by faculty or qualified students;
- available in person or online via eTutoring.
Language and Writing Center Staff:
- help with essays, research papers, resumes, and more;
- look over your work and suggest strategies for improvement;
- teach you how to evaluate and revise your own writing;
- provide practice in several language studies and ASL.
Your Own Healthy Habits:
Research is more difficult if you’re tired, stressed, or sick. Locate these resources:
- Counseling & Health Center (provides free or low-cost medical services and counseling);
- locations of healthy snacks and water;
- campus walking paths;
- campus Fitness Center.