... and complete your research assignments on time
Note: Clark College Libraries Catalog was formerly known as Discover Library Catalog and the brand name for this discovery interface is Primo.
When you use the Clark College Libraries Catalog, you can choose between three major scopes or areas of searching:
1.Clark Libraries, 2. Clark + Summit, or 3. Clark + Summit + articles.
Clark + Summit + articles, or the global search, is a comprehensive search option in Clark Libraries Catalog that searches everything, including books at partner (Summit) libraries, articles from Clark library databases and other online journal sources, but does not include all results from databases at Clark College Libraries.
For more in-depth research, search directly in specific library databases, especially for subject-specific topics (for example, Access Medicine for medical research or Oxford Encyclopedia of Art and Artstor for art history, etc.).
In Clark Libraries Catalog search scopes,
articles = articles + other resources…
from library databases, open access journals & online collections...
Summit (Summit Libraries Network) = books, DVDs...@ other academic libraries in the Pacific Northwest, delivered to you
Clark = books, ebooks, journals, CDs, DVDs, streaming videos, equipment, course reserves...@your library
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