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ENGL 102 - English Composition II (Kropla): Home

Library information and resources for J Kropla ENGL 102 class.

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Online Class Guide Introduction

This online class guide is to help you with your ENGL 102 class and assignments. This guide can help you in many ways, such as:

  • Search tips for databases
  • Find, evaluate and properly cite the information you use
  • Avoid plagiarism

Don't forget you can get help from a librarian using the Ask A Librarian Chat, or contacting one of the local librarians at Clark.

ENGL 102 Learning Outcomes

After working through these lessons, students should be able to: 

  • Identify a topic or research question
  • Generate a keyword list with at least 15-20 relevant words or phrases
  • Access reference materials and identify their use in research
  • Locate books using the Clark Libraries Catalog and Summit (and place holds on books for pick at at Cannell Library)
  • Locate articles in magazines, journals and newspapers using ProQuest or Academic Search Premier

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