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ENGL 101 - English Composition I (Kirkwood): From Idea to Search Statement

Library information and resources for Meredith Kirkwood's ENGL 101 class

From Idea to Search Statement

1. Write down your idea in a sentence or two.

screen shot demonstrating writing down ideas, like "states should pass laws against talking on cell phones while driving"

2. Cross out the fuzzy words and little words

Screenshot showing Crossing out the "little" or "fuzzy" words in a search statement, like "should," "against," "talking," "on," and "while."

3. Underline the words that remain. These words are your starting concepts.

images shows underlining the words that remain: states, laws, cell phones, driving

4. Put an "and" between the concepts.

image shows putting and "and" in between the main words: states and laws and cell phones and driving

5. Add a touch of class to your search. Put quotation marks around the phrases so those words stay together.

example shows putting quotation marks around common phrases, "cell phones"



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