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ENGL 101 - English Composition I (Kirkwood): Find Books, Articles, and More

Library information and resources for Meredith Kirkwood's ENGL 101 class

Find Books in Library Catalog

Start on the library home page,

Note that by default you are searching "Clark + Summit + articles" (books, newspaper and magazine articles, scholarly articles, and more)

  • You can also limit to "Clark Libraries" (just Clark items) or "Clark  + Summit Libraries" (also includes items from our partner libraries)

library catalog with de-extinction in text box

Sign in to see all the options and borrow books from other libraries.

search results with note to sign in for more resources

Use the features on the left bar to limit your search to books, ebooks, articles, etc.

Narrow results on left toolbar


To see all of our databases, go to, RESEARCH, then articles & databases. You can see which databases we recommend for specific topics by using the All Subjects drop-down menu at the top.

Databases A to Z List

Use Databases to Find Articles

See all the library's databases in a single list.
Limit by subject or type

Databases A-Z List

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