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ECON 201 Company Research Project (Atkinson): How to Write Annotations

Library information and resources for Patricia Atkinson's ECON 201 class

What is an Annotated Bibliography?

An annotated bibliography is a list of books, articles and other sources used in your research. Each entry in an annotated bibliography has two parts:

  1. The citation provides the author, title, date and other descriptive details about the source. Your instructor will let you know which style manual (MLA, APA, etc.) to use for formatting citations.
  2. The annotation is a paragraph that describes and evaluates the content of the source.

Elements of the Annotation

Check with your instructor to determine what they want to be included in annotations. In general, an annotation should inform the reader of the quality and relevance of the source. Annotations are detailed but succinct, typically about 150 words, and include:

  • A brief summary (2-4 sentences) of the article, including the author’s name and what you think is the author’s primary point or thought.
  • A description of the intended audience.
  • An evaluation of the source’s usefulness, reliability, strengths and weaknesses and its value for your research.

Sample entry from an annotated bibliography

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