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Dental Hygiene Research: DH 283 - Clinical Tech I

A guide to dental hygiene research designed and created by Clark Librarians

Evaluating Sources for Credibility

This short video gives more examples of evaluating the authority, evenness, and timeliness of a source.

Review Search Strategies

Does using AND (example: children AND teeth)...
Broaden your search (more results)?: 14 votes (43.75%)
Narrow your search (less results)?: 18 votes (56.25%)
Total Votes: 32
Does using OR (example: college OR university)...
Broaden your search (more results)?: 20 votes (64.52%)
Narrow your search (less results)?: 11 votes (35.48%)
Total Votes: 31
Does using "quotation marks" around a phrase (example: "dental hygiene")...
Broaden your search (more results)?: 2 votes (6.9%)
Narrow your search (less results)?: 27 votes (93.1%)
Total Votes: 29
Does using truncation (example: environ*)...
Broaden your search (more results)?: 22 votes (66.67%)
Narrow your search (less results)?: 11 votes (33.33%)
Total Votes: 33


Find a credible and appropriate article related to your topic. Download the worksheet below and begin filling it out as you're searching. Make sure to save and turn in to your instructor!


Types of information you find in library databases:

  • Original research articles
  • Abstracts
  • Conference presentations (papers/posters)
  • Editorials
  • Book reviews
  • Review articles
  • Continuing education units (CEU)


How to identify peer-reviewed research articles: 

  • Articles always provide the name of the author (often multiple authors) 
  • Authors usually have academic credentials and are associated with universities 
  • Authors use discipline-specific language 
  • Authors always cite their sources in references, in-text citations, footnotes, etc. 
  • Research articles will have sections like abstract, introduction, methods, analysis, results, discussion 


Reference & Instruction Librarian

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Laura Nagel
Office: LIB 106

Reference & Instruction Librarian

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Zachary Grant
Office: LIB 109

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