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Dental Hygiene Research: Databases & Journals

A guide to dental hygiene research designed and created by Clark Librarians

Starting Your Search

Explore the recommended databases for Dental Hygiene:

Search for journal titles using the Clark College Libraries Catalog advanced search by selecting Periodicals (journals + magazines) from the dropdown menu next to Resource Type.

Search for journals by topic from the Clark College Libraries Catalog advanced search screen. Select Periodicals (journals + magazines) from the drop down menu next to Resource Type and then type in a keyword, subject or topic in the search box on the left and search to see all the journals available (i.e. dentistry, health, and biological sciences).

Finding Dental Hygiene Journals

Search for journal titles using the Clark College Libraries Catalog advanced search by selecting Periodicals (journals + magazines) from the dropdown menu next to Material Type. You can also go directly to the following journals:

Databases A to Z List

Use Databases to Find Articles

See all the library's databases in a single list.
Limit by subject or type

Databases A-Z List

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