So, you want to find OER for your subject area?
"Young Woman Reading" by Alexandre-Louis-Marie Charpentier, The Met Collection is in the Public Domain, CC0
You can search for OER using search tools like the Mason OER Metafinder, OASIS, or OER Commons, but these tools often produce an overwhelming number of results.
OpenWashington recommends various repositories for beginning your search.. Check out our Find OER page for a long list curated by Clark librarians.
A strategic search on the open web (via Google, Duck Duck Go, etc.) will often connect you to popular OER and OER guides from other colleges. Try searching with a combination of key words:
A search on Google for biology textbook oer community college, for example, will usually return subject-specific OER guides created by other community college libraries.
What OER are you using in CMST?? Let us know!
Check out the library's recommended Communication Studies databases.
Search the library catalog for print books, e-books, journal articles, and more.
All resources at Clark College need to meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA standards. Basic things to look for or create are alt-text for images, headers for text, and descriptive audio or a media alternative for videos.