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Mental Health and Wellness: Help Fight Stigma

Provides information for students about the library collection materials on the topics of mental health and wellness, resources available at Clark, resources available online and support for when in crisis. Resources for faculty included.

You are not alone!

Help fight mental health stigma. A small step can be learning and sharing facts, like those below:

Know the facts:

  • 1 in 5 adults experiences mental illness in a given year (about 44 m).
  • Nearly 1 in 25 adults (about 13.6m) in America live with a serious mental illness.
  • Half of all chronic mental illness begins by age 14, 3/4 by age 24.

        *Statistics from the National Institute of Mental Health, 2015.

Mental Health Stigma

Break the Stigma Around Children's Mental Health Video

A Tale of Mental Illness Ted Talk Video

Stop the Stigma: A Conversation About Mental Health

Understanding Stigma and Ideas on How to Fight It Resources

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